
The price fluctuation of Paeoniae Radix Alba in Nineteen Miles of Bozhou City, Anhui Province is not significant

source:Yaotongwang  Market:BoZhou  To view:704times  time:2024-12-30 11:33:35.0


There are over 100 tons of Paeoniae Radix  Alba in the market today, and some merchants have come to search for goods with a transaction volume of about 30%. The first and second level goods are moving relatively fast, and the price has slightly increased. Currently, the first and second level goods are around 85 yuan, the third and fourth level goods are around 50-60 yuan, the fourth level goods are around 45 yuan, and the tail Paeoniae Radix  Alba is around 30-35 yuan.

 (This information is provided by Mr. Zhang 13966539656 from the Nineteen Mile Information Station in Bozhou City, Anhui Province )

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